Individual Education Plan (IEP) the plan for how the student will be supported at school
Every student who has been identified through the Identification, Placement and Review (IPRC) process as exceptional must have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). The requirement and the timelines for development of an IEP are outlined in Regulation 181/98 of the Education Act. More detailed information on what should be included in an IEP and how the IEP should be developed and reviewed can be found in the Ministry of Education document, The Individual Education Plan (IEP) A Resource Guide (2004).
In many school boards students who have not been identified through the IPRC process may also have an IEP. This may include students who are waiting for assessments or other information to determine whether they are eligible for identification through the IPRC, students whose parents decline to have their child identified, students who require accommodations to learn and participate in Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) testing, or students attending school boards that do not formally identify students using the IPRC.
The articles in this section are intended to help parents understand the IEP and how they can be involved in the development and review of the IEP.
These include:
• The Individual Education Plan (IEP) – Frequently Asked Questions
• Parent IEP Checklist
• Monitoring the Individual Education Plan (IEP)
• Accommodations
• Modifications to the grade Level learning Expectations
• Alternative Expectations, Programs and Courses