Volunteers Needed to Support Students with Physical Disabilities
Volunteers are needed to represent Easter Seals Ontario on school board Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC). Every school board in Ontario must have a SEAC, and our volunteer SEAC members play an important role in providing advice to the trustees about special education programs, services and the annual special education budget.
Easter Seals is looking for volunteers for many school boards in the province, from Windsor to Ottawa. In some school boards we need both a SEAC member and alternate and in others we need an alternate to work with the Easter Seals SEAC member. The role of an alternate member is an ideal way to find out more about SEAC and partner with another volunteer to learn about how SEAC operates.
Each SEAC meets ten times a year, usually monthly from September to June. SEAC members have the opportunity to learn about the special education programs and services provided by the school board and provide advice as plans are reviewed and when changes are being considered. To learn more about SEAC, read the article, Have you ever heard of SEAC?, and watch the videos about SEAC roles and responsibilities.
As a parent of a child with a physical disability this may be an excellent position if you are interested in a having a voice in discussions about the special education programs and services provided by your local school board. This position would also be great for someone who has been involved in school councils or community committees. Working on SEAC will provide you with insight into how decisions are made about special education and will help you to become an active advocate for students with physical disabilities.
As a volunteer for Easter Seals, you will be provided with training and orientation on the role of SEAC. There is also individual support, regular updates and teleconferences. For more information on the Easter Seals SEAC Program, check out What is a SEAC?
You can also visit Provincial Parent Advisory Committee on SEAC PAAC on the SEAC website for three short videos about SEAC membership and roles. These information videos take a light-hearted look at SEAC and provide valuable information.
To be eligible to be a SEAC member or an alternative, you must be a Canadian citizen, over the age of 18, a resident within the school board jurisdiction and an elector for the local school board, and not an employee of the school board. If you enjoy committee work and are interested in helping students and youth with physical disabilities, please contact Alison Morse at amorse@easterseals.org or by phone at 416.510.5070.
This role sounds extremely interesting, however, I currently work for the Ottawa Carleton District School Board do it appears I would not be eligible?
Hi Koby,
You are correct, a school board employee can’t be a member of SEAC for that school board. However, you can be a SEAC member for a different school board, as long as you meet the criteria for that board. For example, if your children attend the Catholic board and you are a tax payer/supporter of the Catholic board, you may be eligible.
Please contact me if you think this may reflect your situation.
BFN Alison
Parents and concerned citizens who are interested in special education can also attend SEAC meetings. Go to the meeting and find out what programs and services that they offer. I found out that they had specialized autism classrooms in the school my grandchildren attended that we were not offered. Psychological assessments that are considered not implemented is another issue.
Hi Sue,
Thank you for sharing. SEAC meetings are open to the public and anyone can attend. Guests may only watch the meeting and are not able to participate. If you want to share information or make a presentation at SEAC you must apply to the Chair of SEAC to attend and present as a delegation. For information on the programs and services provided by the school board, you shoudl search the school board website for the Special Education Plan, or ask the Principal for a copy.